CIVIC wins digital design brief for Advocates for Animals’ snare free Scotland

Digital communications agency CIVIC is to launch a digital assault on the use of snares in Scotland as part of Advocates for Animals’ forthcoming campaign for a snare-free Scotland.

CIVIC will use digital media to harness public support in the charity’s fight to ban the use of snares to trap animals and will build on the charity’s ethos: HumanKind. AnimalKind. OneKind. The appeal will also target MSPs in the run up to a vote on the Wildlife and Natural Environment Bill in the Scottish Parliament planned for late 2010.

CIVIC’s emotive and challenging campaign will raise awareness of the extreme suffering caused to any animal caught in a snare. The first part of the project will include a regular interactive email newsletter sent to thousands of subscribers and a campaign site.

CIVIC will also create a series of animated viral emails aimed at winning over hard-to-reach demographics and will advise the charity on the use of social media to create noise and raise funds.

Greig Tosh, CIVIC’s Managing Director, says: “Snares are cruel and distressing to the animals they trap and I believe this appeal will make a real difference when our MSPs come to vote. Public opinion is already weighted against the use of snares and our campaign will aim to mobilise support for Snare Free Scotland.

“Our team consistently creates innovative, high quality work and this, coupled with our technical expertise will be key to the success of the viral aspect of this project.”

Advocates for Animals is Scotland’s leading animal protection charity, established in 1911. The snare-free Scotland appeal  fits well with its OneKind campaign, which is designed to build a base of supporters who want to see fundamental improvements in the treatment of animals in all areas of life. The campaign prioritises public engagement in challenging lifestyle, attitudes and behaviour.

John Robertson, Advocates For Animals Communications Officer says: “Snares are cruel and indiscriminate traps that cause immense suffering to wildlife such as badgers, foxes and hares and also to domestic animals such as dogs and cats. The Scottish Parliament will be debating the Wildlife and Natural Environment Bill later this year; an opportunity for us to become a snare-free Scotland, so we need to build up a movement of people that can effectively lobby their MSPs on this issue. 80% of the Scottish public are against the use of snares but in 2008, the Scottish Government ignored the public’s wishes and voted against introducing a ban.”

“We want to engage the public and believe that CIVIC can create a positive and compassionate campaign that is urgent and inspiring. We were really impressed by how prepared they were – they did their homework on us and created a very detailed and creative outline proposal for a digital campaign. I believe people will love using the applications CIVIC are developing and I look forward to working with them over the coming months.”

CIVIC is an independent creative digital communications agency with major experience in the public and private sector. Using what it calls “creative technology”, CIVIC blends design with cutting edge digital expertise in order to apply strategic branding thinking to websites with the technical ability needed to make that thinking come to life.

To find out more about the Snare Free Scotland appeal, please visit

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