Money Dashboard comment on Spending Review

In response to the Chancellor’s Spending Review this afternoon, Gavin Littlejohn, CEO of personal finance site, says:

“The most important message I took from the Chancellor’s announcement today was his desire to help people take control of their own money and save.

“Over the past twenty years we have become a nation of spenders and not savers. That time is over and while this review is harsh it is the reality. We have to look to the future, taking individual responsibility for our personal finances.

“For many households robust budgeting will be more important than ever. By having a clear picture of our monthly income and where that money goes it will be much easier to cope with the challenges this spending review brings.”

About Money Dashboard

Money Dashboard is a free online personal finance service for the UK consumer. It brings a person’s bank accounts, credit cards and store cards together in one service – giving a clear up to the minute picture of their personal finances.

Consumers can access it from any PC and by spending just ten minutes a month it allows them to track spending, set budgets and helps them save. It will also send email alerts of budget overspend, suspicious transactions or important events.

Independent of banks, building societies and lending organisations, Money Dashboard is the consumer’s friend. It puts people in control of their finances and helps them identify suitable products and ways to save.

Money Dashboard was launched in 2006 by CEO Gavin Littlejohn and is backed by a heavy weight management team including Non Executive Chairman Stuart Sinclair, former CEO of Tesco Personal Finance and David Robinson, founder and former CEO of Bright Grey.

For more info visit

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